Beechholme children's school in Banstead |
A message from Banstead History: Thank you for visiting our website. We have had so many Beechholme memories sent to us that we have completely reorganized our Beechholme pages which are now separated as shown below. Please select the years you are interested in and click on the link. Once there, you will be able to navigate to all the other sections. Please note that memories in this section are as submitted by contributors, and as such, any views expressed are personal. Banstead History simply keeps them as a record of the rich local history, for interested visitors and researchers alike. |
NEW IN OCTOBER 2023 – Our latest publication (72 pages) recounting a holiday from Banstead Residential School to Sandown in the Isle of Wight, in 1936. Read about an inspirational teacher, Miss Mountjoy, a brief history of the school and the whole of a 48-page handwritten illustrated guide to the Isle of Wight, prepared to educate the children in a fun way. AVAILABLE NOW from our Sales site (£6.99) |