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Last updated: Dec 2022

Do you collect postcards?

Just a few of Lewis' Banstead postcards. . . .tell us about your collection.

Most of the postcards included in this site come from the personal collection of one BH member. Many date back to the early 1900's and Lewis has over 600 in his collection which is just limited to Banstead Village. We have used many in our publications.

The Banstead History Centre at the library also has a collection covering more villages in the local area.

If you own a collection, or know someone who does, please tell us about it. Please also tell us if you have a whole collection or even a handful of local postcards that you might wish to sell. Some of the rarer cards could be worth in excess of £35 but £2 to £6 is more normal for the average card.

So go on, get in touch, however big or small your collection is. Mail the Webmaster

Banstead History members of are always on the lookout for old local photographs, in any condition. Computer software available to the non-professionals allows us to restore pictures to a reasonable state. See examples below:

The Wheatsheaf picture-stained and torn

The Wheatsheaf crumpled, stained and torn – A sad sight

Right: The Wheatsheaf recovered to its former glory using ADOBE Photoshop – a nice picture for the archives.

.The Wheatsheaf picture restored
Original Garage picture torn and bent

An old picture of a garage in Banstead, torn in half and sellotaped together.

The BH member who obtained the picture remembered the garage and his recollections were used to help recover an accurate final picture. Its not magic, but it does take time and patience!

Garage picture restored

Flying bomb in museum

The flying bomb photographed by a BH member in a museum in London.

An early draft of the cover of the one of our publications - Wartime Memories showing the same flying bomb 'extracted' from the original background.

Ted Bond, the photographer, also wrote the book.

Flying bomb on the cover of wartime memories

The victoria with pond

The Victoria Public House

This postcard from G.P.Roberts was posted from Burgh Heath on the 19th of January 1906 to Hyde Park in Yorks.

Note the pond in the foreground.

This postcard from W.T Brown, the Stationer, Banstead, was posted to an address in Old Portsmouth on the 16th July 1920. The message reads:
Dearest Pa,
Happy memories of Banstead.
Fondest love.

'The victoria with pond

The victoria without the pond

An postcard from the Dunmore series. Note the large trees on the right hand side, one of which is still there today. The small shack also on the right is standing on the site of the Marks and Spencer food store. By this time the pond had gone and the 'pillar box' in the foreground was in fact the latest street lighting equipment.

Click on the image below to visit our photographic archive which will enable you

to view hundreds of local images and add your own photo or memories.

Banstead Photo Archive
See also Surrey local history sites